The Young Investigator Program (YIP) of SKINTEGRITY.CH aims at fostering the academic as well as the personal development of doctoral students and postdocs from groups within SKINTEGRITY.CH. The program is steered by the Young Investigators themselves who organize lectures, workshops, social events and more. It thereby serves as a platform to enhance the interaction between the Young Investigators and opens the possibility for Young Investigators to meet people from academia and industry in a casual setting. Young Investigators are nominated by the SKINTEGRITY.CH PIs.
Group picture of the Young Investigators
The Young Investigators of SKINTEGRITY.CH at the Annual Retreat in Spiez on June 10, 2022.
YI profile picture of Giuseppe Antoniazzi
YI profile picture of Johannes Bader
YI profile picture of Nicole Bertschi
YI profile picture of Linus Boll
YI profile picture of Finn Brigger
YI profile picture of Marija Buljan
YI profile picture of Paula Cameron
YI profile picture of Vahap Canbay
YI profile picture of Yun-Tsan Chang
YI profile picture of Laura Cotting
YI profile picture of Filippo Cuni
YI profile picture of Gabriela Da Silva André
YI profile picture of Michelle Dakowitz
YI profile picture of Marine de Lapeyrière
YI profile picture of Alice Desgardin
YI profile picture of Michela Di Filippo
YI profile picture of Börte Emiroğlu
YI profile picture of Zheng Fan
YI profile picture of Danielle Fehr
YI profile picture of Irina Ferapontova
YI profile picture of Lorenza Garau Paganella
YI profile picture of Anastasia-Olga Gkountidi
YI profile picture of Marcel Gort
YI profile picture of Lina Gross
YI profile picture of Eduardo Gushiken-Ibañez
YI profile picture of Tobias Hammer
YI profile picture of Coraline Héron
YI profile picture of Astrid Hofman
YI profile picture of David Ilbrink
YI profile picture of Paris Jafari
YI profile picture of Håvar Junker
YI profile picture of Daniela Kromer
YI profile picture of Erik Kupschke
YI profile picture of Céline Labouesse
YI profile picture of Lumeng Li
YI profile picture of Weiye Li
YI profile picture of Huan Liu
YI profile picture of Céline Lukowicz
YI profile picture of Xiang Ge Luo
YI profile picture of Fabian Luther
YI profile picture of Brenno Masina
YI profile picture of Jaimie Mayner
YI profile picture of Sofia Micheli
YI profile picture of Yasutaka Mitamura
YI profile picture of Elena Pachera
YI profile picture of Laura Poller
YI profile picture of Julia Puchan
YI profile picture of Gabriel Pulver
YI profile picture of Rahul Rimal
YI profile picture of Sibilla Sander
YI profile picture of Stefanie Schärli
YI profile picture of Ramon Stäger
YI profile picture of Salome Stierli
YI profile picture of Maša Stopinšek
YI profile picture of Aizhan Tastanova
YI profile picture of Yi-Chien Tsai
YI profile picture of Kongchang Wei
YI profile picture of Xiaoyu Wu
YI profile picture of Till Wüstemann
YI profile picture of Lito Zambounis
YI profile picture of Dominik Zanetti
YI profile picture of Sixuan Zhang
YI profile picture of Reihane Ziadlou
Group picture of the organizing committee
The YIP OC on January 07, 2025. (Not present: Vahap Canbay)
Milad Ameri
Linus Boll
Vahap Canbay
Brenno Masina
Sofia Micheli
Sibilla Sander *
Maša Stopinšek
Till Wüstemann
Lito Zambounis
* Committee chair
Matthew Aronoff
Aline Bauer
Cecilia Bazzini
Lorenz Brunner
Blaž Burja
Michael Cangkrama
Jing Chen
Stéphanie Claudinot
Vilius Dranseika
Oksana Dudaryeva
Soumitra Ghosh
Marcel Gort
Khanh Huỳnh
Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos
Jihye Kim
Vadim Krivitsky
Esther Martínez
Anastasiya Martyts
Nhan Thanh Nguyen
Marco Pensalfini
Jessica Polak
David Sachs
Catharina Sänger
Bettina Thumm
Adam Wahlsten
Mateusz Wietecha
Nicola Winkelbeiner
Ke Yang


Prof. Dr. Soumitra Ghosh
"Looking back, my time with SKINTEGRITY.CH remains a highlight of my research journey. The dynamic collaborations and insightful meetings and discussions we had during that time were truly inspiring. At the same time, the part of my network that I was able to build through the consortium remains of great value to me today and I am glad to be able to stay connected to the team."

Prof. Dr. Soumitra Ghosh, Assistant Professor at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science
Dr. Lorenz Brunner
"Through the impactful collaborations within the SKINTEGRITY.CH consortium, I had the opportunity to establish valuable connections with key stakeholders in dermatology across Switzerland. This helps me in my current role in medical affairs at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, in which I provide scientific support and ensure accurate medical information for healthcare professionals and patients."

Dr. Lorenz Brunner, Medical Affairs Trainee at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Oksana Dudaryeva
"It was a privilege to be part of SKINTEGRITY.CH during my PhD journey. The consortium allowed me to develop professionally within a large network of colleagues and enabled direct communication with leading scientists and clinicians in the field. The SKINTEGRITY.CH retreats were a special part of this experience, offering a personal space for meaningful communication and strengthening connections."

Dr. Oksana Dudaryeva, Postdoctoral Researcher at the UMC Utrecht in the Levato lab